Welcome to the Ben Franklin website! Check in often as updates happen often! Please visit our Facebook page, Ben Franklin Junior High School, for additional information.
Back to School Open House
Join us on Wednesday, August 28th, 4p-8p.
Schedule Changes: Schedule changes are allowed through the first 5 days of each semester and are based on parent/guardian permission, academic need, and space/availability. To request a change, please complete the survey in this link. School counselors will process the requests in the order received in late August.
Ben Franklin Fall Sports Meeting will be Monday, August 12th at 6:30pm.
Direct any questions to Athletic Director, Derek Kirklewski at dkirklew@pointschools.net
Find the WIAA Sports Physical here:
Incoming 7th grade registration video
For school year 2024-2025. If you were not able to attend the meeting held on Jan. 15th (for current 6th graders), please view the above video.
7th and 8th grade at Ben Franklin
Current 9th Graders Heading to SPASH
Reporting Student ABSENCES
By 9:00 AM on the day your student is absent, parents/guardians must notify the Main Office reporting the absence. Absences not reported by parents/guardians will be marked “unexcused” and will remain unexcused until we receive notification as follows:
Please report absences no more than 48 hours before the absence. Please include student's full name, grade, date(s) and reason for the absence.
1. (Preferred method) EMAIL the absence to BenFranklin-Attendance@pointschools.net
2. Leave a VOICEMAIL or CALL any time before 9am to the Main Office at 715-345-5413
3. If reporting an early release for an appointment or other personal reason, please use this form. (BF student release form) Send the form or parent note with your student the day of the appointment or release. This will act as the students pass out of class/school.
4. If a student is going to be out 3 or more consecutive days, please email or send a note indicating absence dates no more than a week prior to the absence. Your student will turn that note in to the Attendance Secretary and take a required Pre-Arranged absence form to their teachers to sign.
After discussion with the Portage County Health Department, it has been determined the district will follow the protocols below for positive COVID cases:
-Staff and students should remain out of the buildings for five days from the onset of symptoms
- It is recommended (not required) that the individual then mask for an additional five days
WORK PERMITS are now issued online ONLY.