  • We realize that any change from the normal school schedule causes family disruption and the option to close or early dismiss school is only made when weather conditions make school closure absolutely necessary. Ahead of weather that may cause us to close school and/or the District due to hazardous weather conditions, I wanted to remind you of our procedures surrounding school closure in a weather situation so that you can be prepared as we move into this winter season.

    How is the decision to close school made?

    The transportation manager and superintendent jointly monitor the weather through the previous day/evening/early morning hours.  By 5:30 a.m., they determine road conditions and weather impact/outlook. Based on the safety and timing of bus travel and the status of the weather, the superintendent will make the decision to close or not to close schools/district for the day.

    Option #1 -Schools Closed: All Stevens Point Area Public Schools are closed for the day. No after-school activities occur on days when schools are closed.

    Option #2 - Early Dismissal: Dismissal time is determined based on weather and communicated to families as quickly as possible. If possible the decision will be made no later than 11:30 a.m. No after-school activities occur on early dismissal days. Boys and Girls Club may remain at school-based sites.

    Options #3 -After-School Activities and Events Cancelled: If school is held, but inclement weather approaches, the decision to cancel after-school events will be made by 2:00 p.m. The decision to cancel after school events/contests scheduled at other non-district sites, locations, other schools, etc., will be made on a case-by-case basis in concert with the hosting school/entity.

    How will I be notified if school is closed?

    Once a decision to close, early dismiss or cancel after-school activities and events has been made, parents, staff and the community will be notified through the following communication channels;

    1. District website -
    2. Phone, text and email notification (keep your contact information up to date on Skyward Family Access)
    3. District and School Social Media Channels
    4. Local media channels.

    The superintendent may call an E-Learning Day for students in grades 7-12 when school is closed for inclement weather. Learn more about E-learning day expectations for students (Hmong).

    If you have any questions, please contact the superintendent, 715-345-5444.

    Thank you for your support as we prepare for the possibility of emergency school closings.

    Download Parent and Community Information for Print 

  • Contact Us

    Stevens Point Area Public School District
    Office of the Superintendent
    1900 Polk Street
    Stevens Point, WI 54481

    Phone 715-345-5456
    Fax 715-345-7302

    Facilities & Safety Manager 
    Christian Budzinski 

    Cory Hirsbrunner, Ed.D.