Charging Policy
Lunch Payment Policy
A computerized accounting system is used at all schools. Each student has a PIN/barcode assigned to them.
Payments can be made online through Skyward Family Access by using the log-in information provided by your school office.
Food Service Accounts are student-based accounts. You may put any sum of money into your student's account, and it will remain there until fully utilized. Please keep a positive balance in your Food Service Account.
When your child goes through the breakfast/lunch/ala carte line, the appropriate cost will be deducted from their account.
Families will be notified when their balance is $5.00 or less. Please make sure your contact information is up to date with Student Services to ensure you get all school notifications.
Policy on Charging Lunches
An unpaid food service debt that is sixty or more days past due will be taken to the finance committee for possible action. Any charges associated with a small claims court filing or fees charged by a collection agency shall be added to the unpaid debt due the district. The district will delay such action when a parent(s)/guardian(s) agrees to eliminate the debt by making timely payments in accordance with an alternative payment plan authorized by the Food Service Department.