Bus Information
Does my student qualify for busing? Per school board policy, students living further than two miles from their boundary school will be provided transportation to and from school.
- Almost all 4K students have door to door pickup and drop off and may only be released to a parent or guardian that is at least 18 years of age.
Kindergartners that live further than one mile from school will be provided transportation.
Students with special needs shall be provided with transportation, regardless of distance (students must have supporting Individual Education Plan (IEP)).
PICKUP / DROP OFF LOCATIONS: Per the school board policy buses can not make more than five stops per mile so your student maybe at a group stop which is determined to be most convenient for the majority of students in a neighborhood and may require elementary students to walk up to one-fourth mile to a bus stop with junior high and high school students walking up to one-half mile to a bus stop.
PRIVATE ROADS, DRIVEWAYS: Use of private roads and driveways are discouraged and any such use must be authorized by the Transportation Manager on a case-by-case basis. Once approved, roads / driveways much be maintained and a safe turn-around must be maintained at all times.
BUS NOTES are REQUIRED: If your student is to ride any bus other than their own. Bus notes must be approved via the students school office staff, students shall provide their note to the driver upon boarding the bus.
BUS SAFETY: Remind your children about the dangers of the bus stop. As a bus approaches a stop, remind children to stand back until the bus comes to a complete stop and the driver has opened the student entrance door. If your child has to cross the street, they need to wait until the bus driver waves them across. Children should NEVER retrieve a backpack that they may have dropped without notifying the driver FIRST. Student's are to remain seated, keep hands, arms and head inside the bus at all times. Throwing anything outside the bus is prohibited. Students are to keep the aisle of the bus clear and the back seats are NOT to be used unless authorized via the bus driver.
CITY BUS OPTION: If you student does not quality for busing, the Stevens Point City bus is FREE to students under the age of 18. Click here to learn more about this FREE option.
TRACK YOUR STUDENTS BUS: The Stevens Point School District offers an innovative mobile device app entitled, My Stop App. This app is available to students attending both public and private schools in the area and allows you to view your students' school bus in real-time.
Click on My Stop App for instructions on how to download this FREE app.
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