Understanding Your Student's Busing Information As Shown On E-Link
The transportation department uses ROUTE numbers to identify the route that your student(s) are on, NOT the bus number. The ROUTE number is located to the left of the door of the school bus.
Once you log into E-LINK
- click on the students tab
- click on view my students
- select your student from the drop down tab
Pickup: is at the corner of Wyatt Ave & Center St at 6:55 AM on RT 24. Arrive at SPASH at 7:08 AM, transfer at SPASH onto RT 53 for Ben Franklin with an arrival time of 7:25 AM at Ben Franklin.
Drop off: Ride RT 66 from Ben Franklin to PJ Jacobs then transfer onto RT 24, with a drop off at the corner of Wyatt Ave & Center St at 3:18.