The P.J. Jacobs Science Department is dedicated to preparing our middle level students for higher education and instilling them with 21st Century Skills that will be needed in today’s and tomorrow’s workforce.
The P.J. Jacobs Science Department is constantly seeking to make improvements in classroom equipment to teach our students most effectively regarding these skills. Since the fall of 2004, the science department has raised over $80,000 through various fundraisers, donations, and grants. We are now entering the phase where outdated equipment purchased in the early 2000’s needs to be replaced in order to better meet the needs of our students.
Yearly Fundraising Events:
- The annual Penny War to benefit both the Science Department and the Wisconsin Honor Flight Program - (Last full week in December)
- The tri-annual Culver’s Science Night - (October, February, April)
- The annual Polito’s Science Night - (May)