• physical education

    All students are required to take physical education at the seventh, eighth, and ninth grade level. Physical education classes meet every other day and are co-ed. Students will participate in warm-up activities and functional training exercises that emphasize injury prevention and improve coordination. Classes will participate in a variety of individual and team sport units focusing on sportsmanship, functional movement concepts, coordination, and improving sport-specific skills.

    Functional movement assessments are an important part of the curriculum. Learning these movements is an essential part of the physical literacy needed to perform in a weight room. The exercises we focus on directly relate to the everyday lifestyle of our students, overall wellness of our students, and also benefit extra-curricular performance. Furthermore, the inability to perform these skills can often be indicators of potential injury in the future. Students will participate in a health/wellness fair and receive an individualized wellness report card indicating their assessment scores. The report card will also specify whether or not they meet the Healthy Zones for their age and gender in the areas of blood pressure, resting heart rate, cardiovascular endurance, and body mass index.


    • Sportsmanship
    • Functional Movements
    • Coordination & Injury Prevention
    • Sports Skills