Stevens Point Area Online Learning Center,"The OLC"
We are proud to promote a program that is personable, accessible, and flexible while holding students accountable to do their best.
2024-2025 OLC Course Offerings: Grades 9-12 and Grades 7-8
Course Descriptions for our nationally developed curriculum housed in Buzz (not locally developed)
Course Descriptions - Aviation Classes from AeroScholars* Please check with the OLC office to confirm the availability of specific courses in a given semester and/or to request more information regarding a specific course.
The deadline to apply for the fall semester is Friday, September 6, 2024.
The deadline to apply for the spring semester is Monday, January 27, 2025.
Watch this Video for an overview of the OLC
OLC Vision Statement
The OLC strives to provide the highest quality online programming, instruction and curriculum, empowering participating secondary students to master new content and to become responsible, organized and independent learners with effective communication skills and effective digital literacy skills.
OLC Mission Statement
Through a virtual learning environment with quality staff, the OLC enhances and expands current secondary course offerings in conjunction with various educational programming options in order to meet the learning needs of a diverse population of students.
OLC Value Statement
These statements represent the principles, beliefs, and standards of the OLC, each contributing continuously to our strong foundation.
- Student Centered: students continuously remain at the center of every decision to select their best available individualized educational path
- Personable: qualified staff available to connect with and assist students regarding content, navigation and effective online study skills
- Accessible: 1-to-1 devices and content readily accessible to all students and staff
- Accountable: students held accountable to be regularly engaged and to complete schoolwork with integrity on a path to becoming self-empowered learners
- Flexible: many different and often creative programming options are continuously available throughout the school year to meet the needs of a diverse population of students
- Standards Based Curriculum: a wide range of elective and core academic courses available to meet the needs of most student schedules
- Supportive Network: “It takes a village to raise an OLC student”. Multiple parties provide consistent support for student success in the educational process including: parents/guardians, teachers, counselors, OLC coaches, administration, case managers, and OLC coordinator and staff.
The District recognizes that learning takes place in a variety of situations, environments and locations and acknowledges online education as an appropriate instructional delivery system for some students. Online education enhances and expands current course offerings and provides another appropriate alternative to meet the learning needs of a diverse population of students. OLC Board Policy
OLC Coordinator: Ms. Dana Glodowski secondaryolc@pointschools.net or dglodows@pointschools.net
715-345-5400 ext 70104 SPASH 1201 North Point Drive, Stevens Point, WI 54481