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Stevens Point Area Public School District

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Stevens Point Area School District Transition Services

What is Transition Planning?

Transition planning is the process of helping students with IEP's and their families think about their life after high school and identify long-range goals designing their high school experience. The process ensures that students gain the skills and connections they need to achieve these goals. This process is documented through the use of the PTP (Postsecondary Transition Plan). 

What is the PTP (Postsecondary Transition Plan)? 

The PTP is a part of the IEP that focus on transition. A PTP is written with the IEP team, which includes the student, when a student is 13 turning 14 during the timeframe of the IEP. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WDPI) developed a web-based Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) that will assist school districts to document the post high school transition requirements while meeting individual student needs. The PTP guides the IEP team through the transition process by asking a set of questions relating to post-secondary goals in the area of education/training, employment, and independent living, when applicable. The PTP will be created during the IEP team meeting with input from all team members, including the student and family. More information on the PTP, can be found at: Family's and Student's Guide to the PTP.

The WiTransition App can be used to assist you in preparing for the transition portion of your student's IEP meeting. This app may also be used with your student prior to the meeting to learn about their transition goals.

See the app: WiTransition - My Future. My Plan. My Way.

Please explore the Transition Website for information on the Stevens Point School District programs and community agencies that focus on providing transition services in the areas of: Job Exploration Counseling Services, Work-Based Learning Experiences, Postsecondary and Higher Education Related Services, Work Readiness Social and Independent Living Skills Services, and Work Readiness Social and Independent Living Skills Services for the Community, and Instruction in Self-Advocacy.

If you have any questions related to Transition Planning and services, please contact Wendy Christianson, District Transition Coordinator, at 715-345-5400 ext. 70846, email: or text: 715-600-1504.

For current events and information, please go to the SPASH Transition Services page on Facebook

Transition Coordinator

Stevens Point School District Transition Programs

Community Agencies